Partner Support

As a Gold Level Certified ServiceM8 Partner, Digital Data Designed is here to help and support you as your direct Support Partner where we can connect to your account to offer direct support and implementation to your account. 

Support Partner Invite

The first time we initiate a request to access your account it will be via a Partner Support Invite, which anyone with the Business Owner Security Role (Account Owner and Admins) can approve. This can be done from the "Home" tab of your ServiceM8 account.

Once approved, our team can access your account for the purpose of support and implementation of your requests. This access is automatically disconnected after a few weeks, and will need to be renewed by another invite sent by our team, or to do so manually.

Manually Re-Enable Access

After we have been approved previously, our access can be manually re-enabled by anyone with the Business Owner Security Role (Account Owner and Admins). This is an important step when requesting assistance from Digital Data Designed in the future after it has been some time since our last access to your account, as our connection to your account is likely disabled by ServiceM8, and re-enabling access to your account in advance of your request will streamline the support process.

To re-enable access, go to Settings, then Staff Members. Find our record for "Digital Data Designed (Partner Support)", and select "Enable Access".

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Troubleshooting Steps