Dynamic Links are static links which when activated take a user to a specified url, and can do so based on platform or device they are using. This means that an Android user can be taken to a different URL then an iPhone user, or someone on a desktop. Not only can Dynamic Links direct users to specified URLs, but it can also track their activations.
Why would I use Dynamic Links?
There are a number of use cases, but here at Digital Data Designed we use them most often for customer facing ServiceM8 Service links. The reason for this is that as a ServiceM8 Service is updated over time, the URL provided for your customer to use changes. Updating this URL across all the place it might be used (ex: websites, emails, marketing, ads, etc) isn’t always easy to straight-forward (and easy to overlook an example of it). By using Dynamic Links, we can consistently use a single Dynamic Link, and when the URL needs to update we can do so in one place and anywhere this Dynamic Link is in place it will take the user to the new URL.
It does more!
While we can simply use a single link, we can also provide multiple Dynamic Links for the purpose of tracking individual channels you might want to track. You can have 2 or more Dynamic Links which point to the same URL, but one might be used on your website, and the on the in a Facebook Ad, and a third in a newspaper ad. Even though they all point to the same URL, you can be provided access to the analytics for these Dynamic Links so you can the performance of each!